Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat SparkPeople

By: Samantha Donohue, SparkPeople Blogger
4/25/2013 6:00 PM   :  48 comments   :  264,515 Views

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  • 48

    Green smoothies and chips. That's it. :-)
    - 12/7/2014   3:04:56 AM
  • 47

    I love kale chips with olive oil and sea salt, yummy! - 2/21/2014   5:53:19 AM
  • 46

    I add Kale, Spinach and Carrots to my chili. So far everyone who has had it (minus my son, but he resists anything I cook whether good or not) has loved it. - 2/21/2014   12:27:44 AM
  • 45

    My favorite is chicken "noodle' soup. Sometimes kale has a very tiny bitterness to it but if I tear a bunch of kale in tiny pieces (remove tough stems) into my chicken soup (carrots, celery, chicken breast, broth, garlic slices, and crushed red pepper) for the last 4 or 5 minutes it is DELICIOUS. I have already made it 3 times this winter and plan on making it again this coming week. I CRAVE it. It's low cal and healthy! - 2/20/2014   4:10:25 AM
  • 44

    I'm a little nervous to try kale...can anyone give me a taste comparison? Is it similar to spinach? Thanks!
    - 1/28/2014   11:27:03 AM
  • 43

    Thanks for the awesome recipes. I agree, it would be helpful if they were made available as one pdf document. - 1/28/2014   8:49:01 AM
  • 42

    Kale is the latest craze but people with thyroid issues need to be aware that it is a goitrogen so need to use caution. - 1/14/2014   4:29:07 PM
  • 41

    The simple kale & eggs look good for breakfast. One Pot Kale and Turkey sounds good, too. - 1/14/2014   12:51:45 PM
  • 40

    Wish you all would put the print icon on all recipes. Some of us are not interested in twitter, tweet and facebook. mlbrown - 5/31/2013   5:35:30 PM
  • 39

    Tried kale only because of SP and I love it! Costco has an amazing mixed green salad that contains kale as well as 6 other super foods. It is absolutely delicious. Serves 9 or something huge and it's just me, but I end up eating it all with stuff like grilled chicken or salmon or just as a salad. Check it out. - 4/30/2013   1:21:38 PM
  • 38

    Which is the best kale. tried it in a smoothie and it wAsn't smooth. - 4/26/2013   9:22:21 PM
  • 37

    I am with you, I have to do some cooking this weekend, I do so much better when I am properly prepared for the enxt week. - 4/26/2013   4:08:51 PM
  • 36

    I have never tried kale - now I'm going to have to try it! These recipes look really good! I'm off to the grocery store!! - 4/26/2013   2:31:15 PM
  • 35

    I like my kale raw either in a salad or a smoothie. Cooking it robs me of vital nutrients. - 4/26/2013   1:32:36 PM
  • 34

    I tried kale for the first time about 3 years ago and I have been addicted to it ever since then. In fact, any extra I grow goes on the dehydrator. Then I lightly crumble it up and stuff it in a jar. It's great for throwing a handful into a pot of stew or any other one-dish meal for some extra nutrition. Even those who don't like the flavor or texture of kale could most likely handle it this way. - 4/26/2013   12:00:53 PM
  • 33

    Oh YUM, going to be doing some cooking on the weekend! - 4/26/2013   11:50:30 AM
  • 32

    all the kale I've eaten is on the sweeter side too. Is it various varieties that get people turned off, I wonder? (like an arugula kale?) These recipes look wonderful and I can't wait to try some. Like the kale sweet potato enchiliada. or soups. yum!! - 4/26/2013   9:52:04 AM
  • 31

    I wish I liked Kale. I have given it a good try with a wide variety of preparations and have been singularly unimpressed every time. I might be able to tolerate it in a smoothie or juiced with other fruits and veggies, but since I don't own a juicer and don't make a lot of smoothies... I'm afraid it would rot in the veggie drawer :-( The recipes included here would be good with spinach or swiss chard :-) - 4/26/2013   8:59:52 AM
  • 30

    Is anyone else having problems with the annoying pop up that obscure most of the page? I understand the need for sponsors, but it takes so long to get through a page I usually give up. A shame because a lot of times the content is something I'm really interested in. - 4/26/2013   5:27:31 AM
  • 29

    I'm no fan of cooked kale, but I love green smoothies: a ripe banana, orange, carrot, mixed fruit or strawberries & Italian or Russian Kale. If you don't like the super curly supermarket stuff, look at farmer's markets for more tender, flavorful ones. - 4/26/2013   4:24:34 AM
  • 28

    I first tried Kale in the form of Kale chips and I've been hooked ever since! - 4/26/2013   3:25:20 AM
  • 27

    I don't understand why people don't like kale, its very sweet tasting so I guess these kale haters don't like sweet tasting food??? Oh and you missed a really good recipe for kale, Portuguese Kale Soup!!!!! Better known as Caldo Verde or Green Soup, it is quite yummy and a great winter warm up comfort meal. - 4/25/2013   11:30:55 PM
  • 26

    Kale looks and feels and tastes like someone had something rotting and didn't shave it, the taste of it is awful, doesn't matter what you do to it. I think the Kale growers of America have us all hoodwinked, they barely sold any years ago. I'll stick to good old Spinach, and so will my family. - 4/25/2013   10:08:41 PM
  • 25

    I make a lean baked pork chop with white beans and kale cooked in a little chicken stock that I think is really good! - 11/4/2012   1:57:33 PM
  • 24

    My first foray into fresh kale was a recipe by Chef Michael Symon for a Caesar-like salad. It was more earthy than I was expecting but still very good.

    My biggest hurdle is overcoming my grade school years in the 70's where canned kale was served for almost every lunch. The smell was atrocious and the lunch monitors insisted we eat it. (Again, this was the 70's so...)

    I will be bringing some kale home this weekend! - 7/4/2012   4:17:23 PM

  • 23

    Kale,sounds good ,I love spinach but hubby balks at dark green vege's so not sure he will eat kale but I will shop for some today.Do think it needs to be added to another vege for better taste. - 3/20/2012   10:19:36 AM
  • 22

    I like ti put kale in Zupla Toscana soup. It is really easy. It has potatoes and sausage and kale in chicken broth. - 3/20/2012   8:36:14 AM
  • 21

    Kale in a smoothie is as far as I've gone. Now that there is some growing out back I'll have to try some of these recipes. Thank you! - 3/18/2012   10:56:54 PM
  • 20

    Wow! Thanks for all these recipes. Will have to go through them carefully. We eat lots of greens (just made a big pot of Swiss chard soup today!) and have been wanting to add more kale to our veggie bin. Sometimes make a kale and potato soup. Want to try it the Jacques Pepin way: roasted with a light toss of olive oil as a crunchy snack - similar to your Cheesy Kale Chips. Great reminder to eat our greens! - 3/18/2012   9:49:55 PM
  • 19

    I usually just toss some kale w/ Marzetti Simply Dressed dressing (either Sesame Ginger or Champagne flavor) - easy, tasty and nutritious side salad! - 3/18/2012   4:51:32 PM
  • 18

    I love kale! I usually have it steamed but I think I will try the cheesy chips. - 3/18/2012   4:46:17 PM
  • 17

    My favorite way to prepare kale is a sesame kale salad. Separate leaves from stems. Chop the stems and leaves separately. Start by steaming the stems, then add the leaves a few minutes later. When it's done, toss with a garlicky-sesame dressing. Good warm or cold! The recipe is on my blog if you want more specifics: jonskifarms.wordpress.com/2007/08/2

    The first time I tried kale chips, they weren't a big hit. Then my kids had fresh-from-the-oven kale chips at someone else's house and raved how great they were, so now I make them again. - 3/18/2012   4:04:33 PM

  • 16

    Thanks for sharing these. I want to try the hash too. - 3/18/2012   4:00:43 PM
  • 15

    Thanks!! I currently boil my kale and put it together with fresh tomatoes, black beans, and cheese. Simple but surprisingly tasty. - 3/18/2012   2:35:09 PM
  • 14

    I have my own Kale recipe with apples and onions in it. I gave it to the teams I 'm on and they love it! I will save and try yours as well. HUGS! - 3/18/2012   9:18:01 AM
  • 13

    Have started experimenting with it....like the baby kale!!! Will be incorporating it into more of my meals! - 3/18/2012   8:17:59 AM
  • 12

    Kale chips are incredible! I had heard people say it totally satisfied their craving for potato chips. As a lover of chips, I was skeptical, but when they're baked right, they have that saltiness and crunch that does satisfy the chip craving! Definitely worth a try! (Just make sure to let the kale dry well after you rinse it, and watch it in the oven because it can burn easily)

    I'll be sure to try out some more of these recipes! - 3/18/2012   7:21:23 AM

  • 11

    The list of kale recipes reminds me of Bubba in Forrest Gump, listing all the ways to cook shrimp. Appropos of nothing - just strikes me as funny to imagine him listing kale recipes. BTW, kale really is delicious! - 3/18/2012   4:39:44 AM
  • 10

    Perfect timing! I just bought a bag of kale and don't know what to do with it yet. I was thinking about trying kale chips, but may explore some of these other options. Thanks! - 3/18/2012   2:19:05 AM
  • 9

    I have never tried kale but now I have a reason to give it a whirl! - 3/18/2012   1:47:38 AM
  • 8

    If you are able to grow kale--it grows here in the pacific northwest almost year round--it is EASY to freeze and add to soups, stews, meatloaf, and many other foods.
    Just remove leaves from stems. Wash. Drain. Stuff / pack into freezer ziplock bags. Squeeze out air and toss into freezer.

    When frozen, the kale is easy to crush into mini pieces and add into most foods. -- In fact, some of the dutch say it is better when the frost has been on it. It can cause the bitter taste to go away. (My dh is full dutch and I learned about cooking w/ kale from him.) - 3/18/2012   1:30:01 AM

  • 7

    These recipes are going to be a very good resource for me this year as the annual CSA share I buy tends to have quite a bit of kale, and I sometimes run out of ideas. - 3/18/2012   1:00:52 AM
  • 6

    I love kale! It is probably my favorite veggie. :) - 3/18/2012   12:43:07 AM
  • 5

    Excellent! I love kale! - 3/18/2012   12:06:43 AM
  • 4

    When I tried Kale years ado I did not care for it at the time. Will have to try it again now. If I still do not care for it I can put it in a Smoothie. Or put it in my juicer along with apples and carrots. That is a way to use it too. God Bless You and Have a Wonderful Week. - 3/17/2012   11:56:25 PM
  • 3

    I add kale to my fruit smoothie. It's very delicious. - 3/17/2012   10:41:06 PM
  • 2

    Kale Chips are great! - 3/17/2012   9:49:48 PM
  • 1

    I just steamed it; not bad, but think better with something. Will try the kale and potato hash and the cheesy chips. - 3/17/2012   7:10:41 PM

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Top kale chips recipes and other great tasting This is my favorite way to prepare these Kale Chips. Try not to eat them all Kale Chips. You'll never go ,Mobile resources for Eating Kale. Find latest news and updates for Eating Kale. Home About Contact Suggest Category. Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople,Kale Recipes. bagus March 12, 2015 6 views , Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople. he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat ,Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople Found on recipes.sparkpeople.com . SparkPeople The Ultimate Kale Stew: This soup is chock full of , Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople. he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat ,Kale Recipes Youll Actually Eat Sparkpeople and read our other article related to Kale Recipes Youll Actually Eat Sparkpeople, at Blackafricanhair.com,he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat recipes to try. |via @SparkPeople #kale # ,Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat My current go-to green vegetable is kale, which has nutritional value and health benefits that are off-the-charts.,he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat and taste great.

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Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople
he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat and taste great.

Popular Blogs for kale | SparkPeople
Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat My current go-to green vegetable is kale, which has nutritional value and health benefits that are off-the-charts.

Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat
he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat recipes to try. |via @SparkPeople #kale #

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Kale Recipes Youll Actually Eat Sparkpeople and read our other article related to Kale Recipes Youll Actually Eat Sparkpeople, at Blackafricanhair.com

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Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople. he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat

Kale Stew. | Dark Green Leafy | Pinterest
Kale Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople Found on recipes.sparkpeople.com . SparkPeople The Ultimate Kale Stew: This soup is chock full of

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Recipes You'll Actually Eat | SparkPeople. he next time you are at the super market grab a bunch of kale and start cooking these recipes that you'll actually eat

Kale Recipes | Free Cooking Tips, Recipes And Many More
Kale Recipes. bagus March 12, 2015 6 views

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Kale Chips Recipes | SparkRecipes
Top kale chips recipes and other great tasting This is my favorite way to prepare these Kale Chips. Try not to eat them all Kale Chips. You'll never go

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