The Science of Raw Food
A raw food diet is not just good for you - its also good science! You dont have to take our word for it, have faith or trust the latest nutrition guru. Science now proves that cooking not only destroys nutrition and enzymes but chemically changes foods from the substances needed for health into acid-forming toxins, free-radicals and poisons that destroy our health!
On this website youll find out what happens when you eat raw, whole foods rather than cooked, processed foods - complete with numerous references you can check out for yourself. Dont give away responsibility for your health to the government, medical industry or food industry. Don't even take my word for it! Discover the facts for yourself -- start here today!
Raw science
Here are the basics in a nutshell, though simplified for easy understanding. A raw foodist is someone that eats 75-100% live, nutritionally-dense organic uncooked and unprocessed food (and drinks pure, live water), enjoying delicious meals that optimize your health by alkalizing your body. At that rate your elimination system can get rid of the toxins created when you cook. But when you eat more cooked food you are consuming acidic toxins faster than your body can eliminate them so they back up, disrupting your body's delicate acid/alkaline balance, a major cause of excess weight and disease. Heating food above 118 degrees F. causes the chemical changes that create acidic toxins, including the carcinogens, mutagens and free-radicals associated with diseases like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Cooking also destroys the live enzymes that aid in digestion and health.
Your body is actually sort of an alkaline battery, running on electrons. All life-giving chemical reactions only happen when electrons or energy flows between atoms. Cooking or processing causes food to lose electrons - the source of the energy your body needs. Things that are healthy 'contribute" electrons/energy, and are called alkalizing or "reducing." Things that are unhealthy steal electrons/energy, and are called acidic or oxidizing (which means to burn up, rust, break down or decay).
Your body is designed to be alkaline, like the battery! Because the pH scale is logarithmic even a fraction of a point can create huge changes to health! One hydroxyl molecule (-OH) in 550 million is enough to make water conductive. In fact, most important processes in your body only work within a very narrow pH range. For example, if the pH of your blood falls to the low end of its normal range (~7.35-7.45), a .10 difference, it could reduce the oxygen levels in your blood by as much as 300%!
Two common myths are that eating raw is expensive and that it takes a lot of time to prepare. Nothing could be further from the truth! I am one of busiest people I know (mostly answering emails, calls and texts from my readers). But when you do it correctly, a raw food diet is actually one of the easiest, most convenient and most economical ways you can live! Remember, raw foodists eat mostly organic food, which is 80% to 300% more nutritionally dense (click for article on Organic Food) - loaded with available electrons/energy. As your body learns to absorb this additional nutrition and energy you'll be less hungry, getting more energy from what you do eat, and eat less. This ultimately can reduce your food costs, as well as your health care costs, far below what is was when you were eating empty calories filled with the acidic toxins. Raw, live food and water is the ultimate health care plan!
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Nature Wins Again: Coconut Water vs. Sports Drinks!In this guest editorial, Matt shares what why drinking fresh, pure
coconut water is far superior to chemically-laden Sports Drinks.
by Matthew Monarch, Proprietor, The Raw Food World
Me and my family drink coconut water continually on an ongoing basis along with vegetable juices. I feel that these are the cleanest most organic form of liquid, which also supply the human body with microscopic atoms and molecules of nutrition that our bodies are starving for. Refined sugar and processed starches clog up the body, while this type of nourishment regenerates it.
Coconut water has been growing in popularity over the past decade due to its nutrient composition and ability to hydrate the body. Unaltered coconut water is the clear liquid found inside a young, green coconut. Many advertisements claim coconut water to have the same effects or better than sports drinks. (1) Coconut water sales in the U.S. have jumped from $ 4 million dollars to $40-$60 million dollars annually in the past five years. (2)
Sports drinks contain high amounts of salts, high fructose corn syrup or chemical sweeteners!
From 2008 to 2013, 49.93 million people were regularly consuming sports drinks. (3) This has caused concern for many nutritional experts due to the amount of salt and high fructose corn syrup that are found in these beverages. If your sports drink does not contain high fructose corn syrup it most likely contains a low or no calorie chemical sugar substitute. (1)
How does coconut water actually compare? Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and has been used as an intravenous fluid when managing remote medical emergencies and famine. It has also been used to help those who are struggling with severe dehydration associated with diarrhea. Coconut water is low acidic and has no added sugar. (1)
Coconut water contains five electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. There is more potassium in coconut water than found in one banana or 15 sports drinks! Sports drinks contain four times the amount of sodium than fresh coconut water, and have little to no magnesium, calcium or phosphorus. Many athletes are turning away from Gatorade or other sports drinks and turning to coconut water! (1)
Commercial brands are not the same as fresh coconut water, but still better than consuming soda or sports drinks!
Click to read Matt's full editorial with recipes & references!
Previous Editorials by Matt Monarch:
Whole foods for healing, energy & empowerment
Nature Wins Again: Coconut Water vs. Sports Drinks
Whole Food ... Whole Being!
Raw Food & Conscious Living
My Philosophy of Raw Food by Robert Ross Basically, raw food (sometimes called live or living food) is food that has not been cooked or exposed to temperatures over 118° F. At that temperature, the natural enzymes in food are completely destroyed. Enzymes are essential for all the chemical processes in your body, especially digestion. In addition, nutrients are chemicals, and when these chemicals are heated it causes chemical reactions just like in your high school chemistry class - the higher the heat, the more volatile, or destructive, the chemical reactions.
Scores of unnatural chemical by-products with damaging effects on health are produced by cooking. For example, cooked carbohydrates can do much more than create weight problems. They can turn into a carcinogen called acrylamide, a chemical used to make plastics and dyes that has caused cancer in animals - the higher the cooking temperature, the greater the levels of acrylamide. Frying, one of the worst kinds of cooking, makes oils oxidize creating harmful free radicals and increasing the risk of cancer, heart disease and premature aging. Ironically, frying also destroys the Vitamins A and E which we need to protect us from free radicals.
It wasnt always like this. Fire was only discovered a relatively short time ago in archeological terms. Before that, there was no intentional cooking at all. Even today, of the millions of species of animals and insects on the Earth, only people intentionally eat cooked food. In fact, weve become dependent on cooked food addicted to it! So much so that the very idea of living on a diet of raw, uncooked, live food may even seem preposterous! What do you eat, rabbit food? Weve forgotten what real food tastes like, and not so coincidently, weve forgotten what it feels like to be completely alive and healthy. Today, we want food to be convenient, fast and taste good.even if the taste is artificially induced. This has become a lifestyle and doing anything else requires a change in lifestyle. That means more than just more trips to the juice bar. It is a process that requires change at every level - mental, physical and emotional. Most of all, it is an educational process, one that requires commitment, compassion and patience -- for yourself.
This web site will help you with that process by exploring what it takes to go from being addicted to foods that are killing you to a raw food lifestyle (for our purposes, anyone who eats more than 75% uncooked food is a raw foodist). Well explain the science behind this exciting choice, sharing our sources with you as much as possible so you can research them for yourself. Well give you common-sense guidelines to make it easy to transition between your old lifestyle and a healthy, vibrant new life. And well give you some practical how-tos, from food preparation techniques to delicious, gourmet raw food recipes.
Ultimately, this web site isnt even about food. As you make this transition you will discover another, even more important side to a whole-food lifestyle that I call getting in touch with the whole being within you. A toxic lifestyle actually inhibits our ability to be completely in touch with our inner whole being. There are actual physiological processes which become blocked, some of them right in your brain. In addition, there are emotional and spiritual blockages. As you clear these blocks, you become a healthier, more sensitive, caring, happy person because that is the true nature of a whole being. I believe THAT is what we all already are when we arent inhibited by an unnatural, unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Over time, a live, raw, whole food lifestyle, with the help of this web site, will help you experience that for yourself.
NEXT: What it means to be a Whole Being
Click to read the full article ...
OPINION: Non-GMO vs. Organic?
Non-GMO foods are the front lines of the battle to save all real food!
By Robert Ross, 3/1/2015
INTRO: This war isn't really about GMO's and Organics in terms of what you eat! The real war is about preventing the permanent, irreversible destruction of our entire natural ecosystem. In that war, it is the non-GMO foods that are on the front lines.
Don't get me wrong -- I personally eat mostly organic produce. But in the real world, whether or not I buy "non-GMO" or "organic" food is actually just a personal choice. It's not actually the most important thing.
You see, virtually all commercial seeds in America already have at least trace levels of genetically modified proteins. It's an uphill battle for many farmers. And small organic farmers are having to compete more and more with "organic" farmers everywhere from Brazil to Spain or even China (some with questionable standards and practices). So the harsh reality today is that many farmers are more willing to grow lower cost, more commercially viable, and more sustainable non-GMO crops -- which just might help stop GMO's from infecting the entire world before it's too late!
So yes, I personally prefer organics for lots of reason, from inherent lack of GMO's to greater nutritional density. But in this war, it is the non-GMO foods that are effectively on the front line for the battle to save all real food, especially organics.
Click to read the full article ...
By Robert Ross, 2/15/2015
The genetically modified Arctic Apple has been approved for growing and selling in the U.S. devoid of the compound that turns apples brown and, as it happens, naturally fights off pests!
When an apples turn brown it actually doesn't damage the apple at all. People just don't like it. So needless to say, let's spend billions on GMO apples that don't turn brown ... not to worry about any toxic side effects.
Sadly, this is not a nutritional, safety or farming issue but strictly cosmetic and perceptual! Tyrosinase, an enzyme in apples, reacts with oxygen in air to form melanin -- the same thing that happens to you when you get a tan!
If you don't want your apples to turn brown, squeeze a little lemon juice on them. The vitamin C keeps the fruit from oxidizing. That's the 50 cent solution to this critical societal problem that the GMO industry spent billions on. Instead we now have an apple that doesn't turn brown AND doesn't have any natural resistance to PESTS. Which gives us a little hint on WHO actually benefits from this. As usual, just follow the money. It has nothing to do with cosmetics and everything to do with PROFIT -- for Monsanto & Friends that sell PESTICIDES!
According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Agricultural Chemical Use Program, in 2011 before the Arctic Apple, U.S. growers applied carbaryl to 46 percent of their acreage; chlorantraniliprole to 45 percent; chlorpyrifos to 44 percent; and, let's not forget, glyphosate isopropylamine salt (i.e., RoundUp, the herbicide used on almost all GMOs) to 25 percent of their acreage. How much more pesticide can they sell now that they have the ultimate GMO apple that just so happens to have NO natural resistance to pests?
Remember, these are the pesticides currently used on normal, commercially-grown apples. And thats just the tip of the GMO iceberg because the one thing even our well-meaning anti-GMO media have yet to really notice is that to make this apple brown-proof they also managed to take away its natural immunity to pests. Coincidence? I think NOT!
This is the best evidence actually that non-browning isn't really the true purpose of the Arctic Apple! Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Arctic Apple does NOT have the resistance to pests that natural, browning-resistant, non-GMO apples will have, virtually requiring the use of tons of pesticides right now while we wait for the natural, non-GMO apples to work their way through the FDA/USDA gauntlet for approval. Monsanto & friends can make millions on pesticides for GMO apples while we wait for the natural,non-GMO, healthier browning-resistant apples to get approved in a couple of years!
So is the real agenda for Monsanto & Friends merely cosmetic -- or is it the opportunity to do a whole lot more spraying, making millions by poisoning as many people as they can before a non-GMO apple can get work its way through the intentionally long & tedious process!? Ask yourself why toxic, unnatural GMO produce seems to always be on the fast track while healthier, better and more natural fruits and veggies humans have been cross-breeding for centuries can take years to get to market. Something is rotten in the apple orchard!
So is the real agenda for Monsanto just cosmetic ... or is it the chance to start a lot more spraying!?
In a new book available March 20th by a renowned attorney, see how the US government and biased, well-paid scientists have intentionally misrepresented the facts about GMO's for over 20 years. Primatologist Jane Goodall said it is without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years."
The book is the result of over 15 years of research by Steven Druker, which shows that GM foods became commercialized ONLY because the FDA covered up the truth, lied about the facts and violated federal food safety laws by letting them be marketed without being proven safe. If the FDA acknowledged the warnings from their own scientists, GMO research would have imploded and have never gotten off the ground.
Click pic above or here: http://amzn.to/1Eh92yx
How Dairy is Contributing to Type 1 diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease!
"What Potentially Evil Molecule Is Lurking In Your Dairy Products?"
Basically, the author of this article doesn't actually have a problemwith dairy, just the "A1" variant we have today in most countries. However, there is actually NO incentive at all for modern farmers to learn about this problem, let alone do something about it. So we are all basically stuck with a type of milk that is the worst of all, and is responsible for many of today's "diseases of civilization!" A good reason to think about becoming vegan!
A2 beta-casein is the beta-casein cows have produced since before they were first domesticated, thousands of years ago. It is considered safe and nutritious and has no known negative effects on human health. In the past few thousand years, a mutation occurred in European dairy herds that changed the beta-casein they produced. This new beta-casein, known as A1 beta-casein, is common in the big black-and-white cow breeds of European descent. Today, these cows are used to produce the vast majority of Northern Europe and Americas milk.
When digested, A1 beta-casein (but not the A2 variety) releases beta-casomorphin7 (BCM7), an opioid with a structure similar to that of morphine. BCM7 may be the big troublemaker. Numerous recent tests have shown that blood from people with autism and schizophrenia contains higher amounts of BCM7.
In a recent study, Richard Deth, a professor of pharmacology at Northeastern University in Boston, showed that the presence of similarly high amounts of BCM7 in gut cells causes a chain reaction that creates a shortage of antioxidants in neural cells, a condition tied to autism. Even if you are not a vegan, but you want to be healthy and free from diet-related diseases, you can try to find healthier A2 type milk -- currently available in Australia and Europe on a small scale! Personally, I suggest you STOP using dairy products entirely!
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Discover links to more than 95 solid, scientifically valid studies proving that a vegan diet is the healthiest diet and why a meat-based diet causes so many of our modern "diseases of civilization" and other health problems.
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Originally Appeared in Wellness Bound Magazine, April 2004
An Introduction to Raw Food
Basically, raw food (sometimes called live or living food) is food that has not been cooked or exposed totemperatures over 118"F. At that temperature, the natural enzymes in food are completely destroyed. Enzymes are essential for all the chemical processes in your body, especially digestion. In addition, nutrients are chemicals, and when these chemicals are heated it causes chemical reactions -- just like in your high school chemistry class - the higher the heat, the more volatile, or destructive, the chemical reactions.
Of course, this may not be news to you. Everyone knows that heat destroys nutrients in food. But did you ever stop and wonder what happened to those lovely vitamins, minerals, fats, carbs and proteins once they're cooked? Where do they go? Do they just disappear? Unfortunately, they do not. Like Dr. Jekyll, they are horribly transformed by the chemical reactions caused by heating them into nasty killers like Mr. Hyde ... only we call them Mr. Carcinogen, Mr. Mutagen and Mr. Free Radical!
It wasn't always like this. Fire was only discovered a relatively short time ago in archeological terms. Before that, there was no intentional cooking at all. Even today, of the millions of species of animals and insects on the Earth, only people intentionally eat cooked food. In fact, we've become dependent on cooked food - addicted to it! So much so that the very idea of living on a diet of raw, uncooked, live food may even seem preposterous! "What do you eat, rabbit food?"
Click to read the full article ...
New Video from Anti-GMO Advocate Jeffrey Smith
GMO Food Allergies & Gluten Sensitivity
The leading consumer advocate for non-GMO choices, Jeffrey M. Smith, is the author of the world's best selling books on the dangers of genetically modified organisms (GMO's). Jeffrey exposes how biotech companies mislead consumers, legislators and safety officials to put everyone's health in peril. Jeffrey founded the Institute for Responsible Technology in 2003.
How the Oldest & Smallest Form of Life on Earth can Transform your Health Right Now!
Natures First Raw Super food
by Robert Ross
"The health benefits of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) have been reported for more than two decades, yet it is only recently that science has revealed the mechanisms by which AFA acts on the body, and the astonishing health benefits of AFA. AFA contains a wide variety of phytonutrients that promote health, such as chlorophyll, carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. AFA contains unique molecules that modulate various aspects of human health..."
Christian Drapeau, MSC, Primordial Food
Life began in the sea 4 billion years ago. Fossil records indicate that the blue-green algaes are the most primitive of the 1,000 or so different algae varieties on earth, dating back over four billion years. The blue-green algaes have managed to survive all that time while millions of other plant and animal species became extinct. What makes blue-green algaes so powerful and amazing for human health is the same super-dense nutrition and energy that we can now harvest and enjoy for maximizing our human potential.
In evolutionary terms, blue-green algaes were probably the very first organisms to release oxygen into the prehistoric Earths atmosphere. Blue-green algaes are also a missing link a single cell organism that is part bacteria and part plant in some ways, representing the evolution from plant to animal. First, blue green algaes can do photosynthesis like plants, but they do it better making them the best sources of chlorophyll a super food in its own right. Blue-green algaes are similar to animal cells because they have a soft, digestible cell wall made of glycogen, which our bodies can use as a food. Many other plants have cellulose cell walls making them very difficult to digest. So blue-green algae has more bioavailable nutrients plus tons of chlorophyll, making them one of the most nutritionally-dense super foods available. And of course, it is also a raw food!
The Live Food, Live Water Connection
Are You Eating Raw, Live Food But Still Drinking Dead, Lifeless Water?
by Robert Ross
One of the most important benefits of a raw food diet is that it is "alkaline forming." The standard American Diet (SAD) is an "acid-forming" diet, whichleads to dis-ease. Yet after spending weeks or months, perhaps even years, learning to eat raw food - WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING? After working so hard to become more alkaline, is your water neutral pH - or worse, even acidic?
If you are drinking bottled water, you may not be getting all the benefits you think you are (see full article for sidebar: "Why Bottled Water Is NOT The Answer"). If you have a water filter on your faucet, you may also not be getting what you think you are! Even if you are using reverse osmosis or distillation to purify your water, you are not getting the results you should be getting! Here's why:
Many major brands of bottled water are nothing more than filtered tap water. Many bottled water products are even more contaminated than the tap water they start out with! Reverse osmosis systems and steam distillers may remove contaminants - but they also remove everything else, including the important minerals that make living, natural water alkaline - sometimes making water acidic!
So the more we learn about water, we learn that there is a similar difference between living water and dead water just like there is between living food and dead food. Live, raw food is naturally alkaline forming and free of toxins. Live water is similar, except that it is hard to find these days. Even in rural environments the water is no longer safe to drink and has been processed and chlorinated to the point that it is no longer live "raw" water. It is "cooked" or processed - and is now more toxic than healthy in many cases! So it is essential, if you want to take responsibility for your own well-being, that you not only eat raw, live food, but that you drink "raw" live, alkaline water. And the only reliable, safe, affordable (in the long run) way to get that is make it yourself!
More Proof That Alkaline pH is Essential for Your Health
Science Shows that Alkaline Minerals Reduce Risk of Disease
by Robert Ross, May, 2012
The human body is naturally intented to be mostly alkaline. Your blood, for example, must stay between 7.35 and 7.45 pH or you could get seriously ill, or even die! This is so important that your body has an alkaline buffering system to make sure your blood stays in that range. But even within that range there is a huge difference in health factors. Most importantly, with a 1/10th difference in higher, more alkaline pH your blood can carry as much as 300% more oxygen! Imagine the additional energy and endurance you would have if your blood was always as that optimum level!
Yet, the sad truth is that virtually everything in modern civilization and lifestyle is conspiring against you to make your body more acidic, or less alkaline! Environmental toxins are acid forming. Toxins in the water supply are acid forming. Most bottled waters are below optimal pH levels, some even slightly acidic. And the toxins created by cooking and processing what you eat are acid forming!
It is natural, of course, for your metabolism to produce some acidic toxins. Over millions of years the body has evolved an acid buffering system that is more than up to the task of handling those. But a vast toxic overload has enveloped our entire planet in less than 50 or 100 years, depending on when you start counting. From pesticides and preservatives to water pollution and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's), our bodies cannot adapt to handling these, resulting in what we euphemistically like to call today's "diseases of civilization" - cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and many more.
Click to read the full article ...
Dynamic Greens Flash-Frozen Wheatgrass Juice...
Even Better than Your Own Home Grown!
by Robert Ross, June. 2013
Delivered overnight for Free!
(Continental 48 U.S. Only)
Why Flash Frozen Wheatgrass Juice is Better Than Fresh
Flash frozen juice is far more potent than wheatgrass juiced "fresh" because of the quality of the plant. Most home grown wheatgrass is grown in the controlled environment of your house or perhaps a greenhouse, but like all plants, wheatgrass thrives best when grown outdoors in the sun. Field growing dramatically enhances nutrition because the plant releases phytonutrients in response to changing environmental conditions and the benefits of natural air, rain, sun and soil create a level of purity that are obvious the moment you taste the juice. DynamicGreens outdoor growing combines the ideal elements for healthy growth - sun, air, lower density planting, frost cycles, winter and planned fallowing of the land. This natural environment produces healthier, stronger, more nutritious plants while preventing the molds commonly associated with indoor grown grass. Click to read the full article ...
200 Servings, Just $189.00 (100 Fl. Oz.)
400 Servings, Just $329.00 (800 Fl. Oz.)
600 Servings, Just $459.00 (1200 Fl. Oz.)
Raw Food Question of the Month
Which should I buy first, a juicer or a blender?
by Robert Ross, March. 2012
This is the most common question I get asked in my e-mails and at my talks. Since top- quality masticating juicers and high speed blenders are expensive, everyone starting a raw food lifestyle is trying to decide whether to invest in a juicer first or a blender. So here is what you need to know to make an informed decision.
The first rule of thumb for everyone on a raw food diet is that the key to success I that you absolutely MUST get high, quality, dense, easily absorbable nutrition, whether that is from juicing or blending! In this day and age it is almost impossible to get adequate nutrition just from raw fruits, nuts and vegetables, even organic. But with the addition of some fresh raw juices and smoothies it becomes easy!
Both juicing and blending give you a huge shot of dense nutrition that your body will absorb like a sponge. There are some important differences, but the main thing is that it isnt a contest both make a valuable contribution to a raw food lifestyle, though in different ways.
Comparing blending with juicing is like comparing jogging with yoga. Theyre both a form of exercise, theyre both very healthy, yet theyre as different as can be. To get the best health benefit you may want to do both.
NEXT: Benefits of Juicing vs. Blending, my basic juice recipe, more.
Click to read the full article ...
Raw Food & Dehydrators
How a Dehydrator Saved My Sanity - as well as My Health!
by Robert Ross, Jan. 2012
My first experience of the raw food lifestyle was at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, where I eventually become a resident and teacher. The OHI program began with an intensive juice feast or fast for cleansing and detoxifying the body. I had two responses to my first juice feast. First, I never experienced such an energy boost in my life. I went from being chronically fatigued to having more energy than I knew what to do with! The other response was a noticeable nostalgia for crunchy foods that required some real chewing. Oh, they tell you to chew your drinks and drink your solids, an admonition to chew everything you eat or drink, stimulating production of saliva and increasing the efficiency of the first stage of digestion. But thats a lot easier to talk about than to remember to do with every sip of juice. Most importantly, it was the first glimmer I was having into the importance of chewing to our minds as well as our bodies.
You see, chewing is more than just a means of digestion. It is so important to our health that we are psychology wired with a need to chew! We see that in our pets and even our children, but we seem to forget how important the simple act of chewing is to us all.
You see, dehydrators bridge the gap between rabbit foods and the crunchy, cooked foods we are all so addicted to. That is why dehydrated raw foods are sometimes called transitional by raw foodists. You see, you take something raw, dehydrate it at under 118 degrees F. and turn it into a raw cracker, chip, treat or bread without destroying all the enzymes and giving it substantial crunch appeal. When I was first served dehydrated flax seed crackers at OHI, I was in heaven. Now I could really get my teeth into raw food, so to speak!
Click to read the full article ...
Whatever You Think About Monsanto ...
It's worse than you think!
Monsanto's GMO's, political corruption and falsified research has unleashed new microscopic Frankensteins that are already making animals & people sick...and dramatically decreasing fertility. You've seen the sci fi flick about a world with no children - here it comes!
"...according to Dr. Don Huber, an agricultural scientist and expert in microbial ecology... Monsanto's genetically engineered...crops are responsible for ...an outbreak of new plant, animal and human diseases."
Remember, to be a raw food vegan you have to eat raw, unprocessed, nutritionally dense, toxic-free food. GMO's are not only making that impossible they are attacking life itself!
Introducing Denise Girard
Our New Executive Raw Chef & Holistic Health Coach
I have the privilege to have been invited by my dear friend Robert to be the Raw Food Chef & Holistic Health Coach for this awesome website! I am here to serve you each month with recipes and articles which I hope will inspire you, as well as to help you as a certified Holistic Health Counselor to create a dynamic, balanced and healthy lifestyle. I am sure that if you have landed here, you too are seeking to understand this fundamental need and our birth right to eat unadulterated whole foods!
Click here to read more from Denise ...
Raw Chef Denise's Recipe of the Month
Dr. Johanna Budwig was a German medical doctor and bio-chemist who came to the conclusion that the majority of chronic illnesses are caused by mass produced foods and oils, poor nutrition and pesticides which destroy our electrons. I marvel at the visionary research and wisdom of Dr. Budwig! And I promise you, if done properly, you will noticeably feel the effects rather quickly of this luscious breakfast.
- Juice of ½ of a lemon
- 2 tbls. raw yogurt or almond milk
- 2 tbls. cold pressed flax seed oil
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 tbls. sprouted grain (just one grain, like quinoa)
- 10 soaked almonds
- 1 apple or pear diced
- 1 tbls. sesame seeds
- 1 tbls. sunflower seeds
Soak almonds, sprout grains. Mash the banana and mix it with the first 3 ingredients into a cream. Add all the other ingredients. It can be sweetened with a touch of maple syrup. Makes 1 serving. Click here for a raw almond milk recipe ...
Introducing Leading Anti-GMO Advocate & Our Newest Contributor, Jeffrey Smith
The leading consumer advocate for non-GMO choices, Jeffrey M. Smith, is the author of the world's best selling books on the dangers of genetically modified organisms (GMO's). Jeffrey exposes how biotech companies mislead consumers, legislators and safety officials to put everyone's health in peril. Jeffrey founded the Institute for Responsible Technology in 2003.
Introduction by Robert Ross
As a raw foodist, you should be more concerned about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) than just about anyone else - and EVERYONE should be concerned. Being a raw foodist requires that you maximize the purity, bio-availability and nutrient density of absolutely everything you consume, both foods and drinks. Anything less and it just won't work - you'll get hungry, cravings, and go on junk food binges...eventually building up a resentment for raw food and just giving up. I've not only seen it happen, it has happened to me. I just pick myself up and start again, like any diet program. No blame.
However, when you eat nutritionally dense raw foods that don't overload your immune system with toxic chemicals and poisonous DNA it cannot digest, the opposite happens - you feel completely satisfied with simple, delicious, nutrient-dense meals, overcome food addictions, feel more energy and enjoy what you do eat much more!
But for absolutely everyone, GMO's are such a significant health threat that I've arranged to include a monthly column by my friend Jeffrey Smith, the world's foremost anti-GMO advocate. This month we're starting with two great articles: GMO Basics and 10 Reasons to Avoid GMO's!
Click here to read Jeff's latest articles ...
Intro to Juicing for a Raw Food Lifestyle
by Robert Ross
Juicing is a one of the easiest yet most powerful things you can do to make a raw food lifestyle easier and more successful and improve your overall health and wellness. Usually I drink between one or two quarts of mostly-green juice every day. Some people prefer to have one regular juice day every week, also called a juice feast or juice fast day.
By removing all the hard-to-digest fiber from your nutrient-rich veggies, juicing improves your absorption of all the important nutrients. This is particularly important for people beginning a raw food lifestyle because most of us have poor digestion and incomplete absorption after decades of eating cooked and processed foods. Juicing, using a slow-speed masticating juicing only, breaks down the cell walls of your veggies releasing the nutrition so you can absorb it like a sponge.
I usually recommend at least 16 ounces of juice daily. Most days I fill up a 16 oz. insulated sports canister and drink it throughout the day. When I am doing a juice feast I double that, drinking it throughout the day, but mostly around meal times or whenever I am feeling hungry.
Making this much juice every day might seem tedious, but I have a secret. First, I dont actually make juice every single day. I actually juice every two or three days and make enough for the next two or three days, which I then store in a tightly sealed, insulated container in the fridge. If you do this a lot you may want to get one of those food saver appliances that sucks the air out of a ball-jar style container, but I have found that my juice lasts up to 3 days just fine without that though as always, the sooner you drink it the better!
In order to do this you MUST you only a high quality masticating juicer that produces little oxidation hence has a high juice quality and juice stability. These include single-auger juicers like those made by Samson, Hurom, Omega and Kuvings and twin-gear models like the Green Power, Green Star and Super Angel.
Click to read more ...
The Science of Broccoli
by Robert Ross
New studies demonstrate that eating raw food with live enzymes improves nutrient absorption & anti-cancer benefits!
More Proof that Cooking Destroys Your Natural Cancer Protection!
Some spicy foods like broccoli sprouts mustard, horseradish and wasabi contain the enzyme myrosinase which has been shown to significantly enhance cancer-fighting power in cooked broccoli while improving absorption for maximum health benefits.
Broccoli - either you love it or hate it, but at least you should respect it. Many studies have shown that fresh or lightly steamed broccoli has all kinds of amazing health benefits. Not only is this cruciferous vegetable high in vitamin C and fiber, it's also a rich source of glucosinolates - which are broken down in the body to form the anti-cancer agent sulforaphane.
Unfortunately, most people cook the benefits right out of broccoli, killing the living enzymes and largely destroying broccoli's anti-cancer benefits! A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that people who had eaten raw broccoli versus a group who had eaten cooked broccoli had a sulforaphane bioavailability of 34 percent versus the cooked broccoli group where the bioavailability was only 3.4 percent - about 10% of the raw group.
This demonstrates a couple of key principles important to raw foodists. First, despite the claim from nay-sayers, especially doctors, enzymes are not killed in the stomach. In fact, when you consume raw foods containing LIVE enzymes, bioactive components are absorbed in just minutes in the upper part of the digestives rather than hours later through the colon.
In the experiment they used broccoli powder, which doesn't contain myrosinase but does contain a precursor to the anti-cancer agent sulforaphane. When the broccoli powder was eaten with broccoli sprouts containing myrosinase the enzyme interacted with the broccoli powder producing sulforaphane significantly enhancing anti-cancer benefits. Other raw foods that contain myrosinase include radishes, cabbage, arugula, watercress, and Brussels sprouts. Researchers say that just three to five servings of broccoli a week provide a cancer-protective benefit.
Now, for a raw foodist you can draw a lot of conclusions reading between the lines of this research. First, if this works with dead, processed broccoli powder imagine the benefits from eating your broccoli raw, complete with live enzymes and everything else in that nutritionally dense whole food matrix you'll enjoy with fresh, raw, organic broccoli!
Second, when you eat raw food bioactive components are absorbed in the upper part of your digestive system, showing up i the blood in a matter of minutes. Alternatively, when the food is dead it can take hours and hours for the body to wring out whatever nutrition is left in the food as it passes slowly through the colon!
Personally, I have always loved broccoli raw, even as a kid. I never understood why anyone would want to cook broccoli, turing it into a smelly, mushy disgusting thing that actually isn't broccoli at all - of course, if that is your only experience of broccoli it's no wonder some people hate it! I would, too! But raw, organic broccoli is like candy to me, as is all raw, organic, nutritionally-dense food can be for you, too, once your "cleanse the palate" and detoxify yourself.
Young broccoli sprouts have up to fifty times the amount of sulforaphane founding mature broccoli, so now I am going to start growing broccoli sprouts for my salads, too!
- Jenna M. Cramer, Margarita Teran-Garcia, Elizabeth H. Jeffery. Enhancing sulforaphane absorption and excretion in healthy men through the combined consumption of fresh broccoli sprouts and a glucoraphanin-rich powder. British Journal of Nutrition, 2011; 1 DOI: 10.1017/S0007114511004429
- University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. "More evidence that spicing up broccoli boosts its cancer-fighting power." ScienceDaily, 13 Sep. 2011. Web. 21 Sep. 2011.
- Annual American Association of Cancer Frontiers in Cancer Preventionmeeting, 2007, Philadelphia, PA, " there is new evidence that raw and uncooked broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables significantly reduce the risk of bladder cancer."
- http://www.healthmad.com/Nutrition/Why-R
- http://www.associatedcontent.com/article
- http://au.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A
Click to read The Science of Broccoli...
Raw Science
Some doctors believe that a raw food diet can't change your internal pH. Here's the Raw Truth even they don't know!
Three-dimensional model of an ATP molecule --
carbon atoms are gray, nitrogens are blue,
phosphorus are yellow, and oxygen is red.
Some health professionals trained in standard allopathic medicine will tell you (because it is what they were taught) that the pH of what you eat doesn't change your internal acid/alkaline balance. That is based on a simplistic and incomplete understanding of how digestion works and the effect of acidic toxins on the body's buffering system at the cellular level.
Research you can read about right here shows that the medical establishment is just plain wrong about this. For one thing, the stomach's role as an organ of digestion is it's SECONDARY function. The primary purpose of the stomach is to create alkaline buffers to neutralize the acidic toxins created by our food, the environment and the metabolic processes in our bodies. As Dr. Robert Young has explained in his New Biology theories, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is actually a by-product of the production of sodium bicarbonate! The more acid-forming food or drink we consume the more sodium bicarbonate the stomach makes to buffer it. Every molecule of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach is the result of sodium bicarbonate production. The equation is:
NaCl + H20 + CO2 = NaHCO3 + HCL
The principle mechanism of action that causes the body's internal acid/alakline balance to get out of kilter is also well known. You see, we already know that your blood chemistry must remain at a consistent pH within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45, making it slightly alkaline. Your body will do anything to maintain this balance or homeostasis since otherwise you will die. In fact, this is so important to your survival that the body will steal alkaline pH buffers from other organs to keep the blood pH balanced. Other organs can manage to survive for decades with an out of balance pH, so your body has no problem borrowing buffers from something like, let's say, your bones to keep the blood in homeostasis. If the body borrows calcium from your bones to neutralize the acid toxins caused by eating too much protein you will be fine for years. Of course, you end up with osteporosis after a lifetime of this - but it is small sacrifice when the alternative is a quick death!
What most doctors don't realize is that this process, this sacrifice, goes much deeper than just your bones - every cell in your body may be called upon to make a similar sacrifice when your lifestyle, diet and environment are so acid-forming! Your body is constantly producing acid toxins. This is actually normal. So you have mechanisms to neutralize these toxins, called buffers. But it isn't normal for you to have a shortage of buffers. If you cannot excrete the acid toxins fast enough then they back up throughout the body - "acidifying" the body. This isn't enough to be labeled a diagnosable disease but it is just enough to change the subtle chemistry of cellular respiration.
Of course, your body is designed to survive even under the worst circumstances, though perhaps not with the level of health and wellness you might like! Every metabolic process in the body has a backup mechanism for when the main biochemistry isn't working. So healthy alkaline-based chemical reactions are in fact entirely different from those that take place in an unhealthy system altered by acidic toxins. For example, if the pH of your blood falls to the low end of its normal range (~7.35-7.45) by a mere .10 difference it could reduce the oxygen levels in your blood by as much as 300%! Oxygen is of course the key to all of life - and essential to many biochemical processes. And that's in the blood, where pH homeostasis and oxygen levels are more critical than anywhere else.
Imagine what happens in other organs when they get too acidic...and normal chemical reactions involving oxygen, called aerobic, become almost impossible! Then anaerobic (without oxygen) back-up systems take over to keep you alive, often for decades - but alive isn't the same thing as healthy! The best example of something that goes horribly wrong at the cellular level when you body is forced into an anaerobic, survival mode is how it makes, stores and produces energy with a substance called ATP.........
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Raw Science: pH of Diet Affects pH at Cellular Level
Studies show that Mad Cow Disease caused by acid pH!
by Robert Ross, July 15, 2011
Why is this important to a raw foodist? We are not likely to be eating any kind of meat soon, let alone from a mad cow! The thing is -- this is more hard evidence of the importance of an alkaline-forming diet and lifestyle! Even better, it is evidence that helps refute the argument that alkaline-forming foods and drinks don't affect the body's overall pH. The answer is that it clearly does. Here's how I come to that conclusion from this research.
A prion (protein+infection)is a misshapen protein which became an infectious agent when it lost it's correct shape. You see, it is normal for proteins to fold or bend, but under some conditions they lose control and get permanently bent out of shape, becoming infections that cause a fatal diseases like mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in people. There is no cure for these fatal conditions.
Several researchers have discovered that prions deadly misshapen form is determined by the pH they are exposed to. In a healthy neutral or alkaline environment these proteins are just fine. However, under low pH, acidic conditions increase (red line in chart), proteins get more and more distorted until they become Prions -- infectious proteins.
As human being you should just as mad as these poor factory-farm cows! But unlike a cow, you can do something about it. First, just don't eat cows. If you enjoy a little meat now and then, do it on a rare basis, like a special treat, and then only eat free-range, organic meats. And for your other meals, start enjoying healthy, alkaline-forming raw food and drink alkaline mineral water (from your water ionizer)! Sadly, factory farm cows don't have these choices - but you do!
Click to read full story...
Raw Science in the News!
Was the devastating European e.coli superbug bioengineered?
Robert Ross, 6/7/2011 - While a super resistant e.coli outbreak isstraining hospital resources inGermany nobody in the mainstream media seems to be concerned about where a new super e.coli suddenly came from. The German e.coli is from the 0104 strain, a type of e.coli that has almost never been resistant to antibiotics before. What's so strange about this? I'm glad you asked. You see, it isn't easy for a bacteria to become a super bug overnight. It happens slowly, relatively speaking, as the bacteria is exposed to more and more different antibiotics. Usually you'll see a strain resistant to one or two antibiotics first. Then, as different antibiotics must be used to treat the infection, the e.coli eventually becomes exposed to other antibiotics becoming resistant to them, too. But not this time. This new German strain magically became resistant to every antibiotic that may be used against it over night!
How could such a thing happen in nature? Well -- it can't! And studying the DNA of the German e.coli is pretty damning evidence that nature didn't do it - a genetic engineer did! Or maybe it was extraterrestrials?
Germany's Robert Koch Institute analysed the DNA of the O104 e.coli and discovered that it is resistant to some of the most widely used antibiotics by hospitals. The only way this could happen is by genetic manipulation in the lab we've all seen in grade-B science fiction movies! Or maybe it was extraterrestrials?
Click here to read full story...
Raw Science in the News!
by Robert Ross
Alkalize your Body for Natural Radiation Protection
I personally extend my prayers and sympathies to all who are still suffering from the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan.
I have been asked many times now about what we can do to protect ourselves from the radiation risks that now faces much of the planet because we are all downwind from this tragedy! What you may not realize is that there is a profound connection between alkaline-forming raw foods, alkaline mineral water and ionizing radiation.
You see, ionizing radiation does the same thing to your body cooked, processed, acid-forming foods do only much, much faster and more deadly. Simply put, ionizing radiation scavenges electrons from the molecules of healthy cells in the same way that the free radicals in cooked, processed food does. The acidic toxins caused by cooked, processed foods will slowly kill you. The results from ionizing radiation are often much, much faster and more deadly - but the principle is the same!
To protect yourself and your family from ionizing radiation, the first, most basic thing you can start doing right now is to start drinking ionized water, also called alkaline mineral water, made with a alkaline water Ionizer you can even build ones (see instructions here).
The second most important thing you can do is to eat more alkalizing raw foods! Ionized water and alkalizing raw foods are among the best ways to alkalize your body and help protect it from the effects of ionizing radiation! Drinking ionized water, which is made up of microclustered or structured water, also improves hydration, which improves the absorption and effectiveness of the supplements or nutritionals you should also be using for radiation protection.
Click here to read full story...
Nuclear energy expert Dr Helen Caldicott tells the truth about Fukushima and nuclear energy that you won't see on TV.
Beyond Enzymes! Beyond pH! Beyond ORP!
Coming in 2013:
Online Course on The Hidden Mysteries of Water
Water is the key to everything wondrous and healthy about a raw food lifestyle. Our bodies, our raw food and even the surface of the Earth itself is made up of mostly water! There is an amazing reason for this - water is the vehicle that Life itself uses to transfer energy and information! This new, exclusive and in-depth course will go into the biology, chemistry and even some of the quantum physics of water in a whole new way -- beyond anything you have ever seen before! This is the first course that truly show you how live food & water actually perform their wonders - scientifically. Learn why water is the key to to health and how to make best alkaline water at home for a fraction of the cost of bottled water. This course is ideal for anyone interested in raw food, alkalizing their bodies or knowledgeably buying a water ionizer without buying into all the hype. Written in a style that turns these complex subjects into common sense!
Sign up in advance (below right) and get my new $24.95 e-book, The Hidden Mysteries of Water absolutely free at the end of the course (due to be released in Spring, 2011). You'll also automatically receive my free periodic newsletter, so you don't need to sign up for both. Here are some excerpts from Lesson 1, Theres More to Water Than Just H2O
Water has amazing secrets that science is only beginning to unlock. However, our ignorance has led us to take water for granted - abuse it, pollute it and forget how vital it is, from the smallest bacteria to possible life on other planets. The science of Quantum Physics is beginning to unravel the hidden mysteries of water. One of the major secrets of water lies in the energy bonds between its hydrogen and oxygen atoms. These relatively weak hydrogen bonds may seem unimportant, but they play a significant role in waters impact on all life. The hydrogen-bond length of H-2-O molecules, for example, affects the electrostatic forces around them in a way that can change the energy of electrons in your RNA. RNA transmits DNA information into cells, controlling their chemical reactions!
Chemical reactions only happen when electrons or energy can flow between atoms. Alkalize and energize both refer to adding electrons/energy to your body. Most of the life-giving, healthy processes in your body are those that give it electrons/energy, called alkalizing the body. Most unhealthy, aging, disease-casing and toxic phenomena of the body are those that steal electrons/energy, called acidic or oxidizing (which means to burn up, rust, break down or decay).
The diet and lifestyle choices you are confronting today are much more than just good ideas you read about in some book -- you are choosing to increase your life energy or choosing to throw it away! In the coming lessons youll learn about the health benefits of alkaline water, what pH and ORP really mean, how your digestion actually works, how your stomach alkalizes food and why obesity isnt a weight problem its an acid problem. By the time you complete this course youll know more about why eating raw food and drinking alkaline water are the most important and cost-effective things you can do for your health -- and for the planet!
I apologize to everyone that signed up in advance for the delay in starting my course, The Hidden Mysteries of Water. I unexpectedly had to relocate across the country and was unable to release the course on the original date. However, it will be released soon - and I promise it is worth the extra wait! - Robert
Oxidative stress in the human body is thought to be due to excess reactive oxygen or free radicals. Among these, superoxide anion radicals are the best known. Scientists believe that the action of superoxide anion radicals is the most important indicator of antioxidant effects. In this research the scientists studied the antioxidant effects of antioxidant mineral water (which they call reduced water), such as the water produced by Life Ionizers.
This study demonstrates that the reduced or ionized water can prevent oxidative DNA damage possibly by enhanced antioxidant
effects against free radicals, concluding, "it appears that consumption of electrolyzed reduced drinking water may potentially serve to prevent DNA damage induced by oxygen free radicals
produced by the mitochondria due to the rise in oxidative stress."
From a raw food perspective this is important for several reasons. First, the mechanism discussed is very similar to the mechanism in raw food, which of course is made mostly of high pH alkaline water similar to that produced by a Life Ionizer. Second, raw foodists should be drinking water consistent with the same principles as their food - in other words, high pH alkaline mineral water
Click here to read the full article ...
The Raw Truth About Agave NectarIf you are reading this you probably already avoid any foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS). But just as John Q. Public is learning that this is really really bad for you, the industry has discovered something new to con us with, one targeted right at the health-conscious consumer - agave nectar. Agave nectar is advertised as a diabetic friendly, raw, and 100% natural sweetener. Yet none of these claims are true.
Today, agave nectar can found in the health food aisles of many supermarkets, as well as health food stores. It can also be found as an ingredient in many foods labeled as organic or raw, including ketchup, ice cream, chocolate, and health food bars. The labels on these products are designed to make you think that agave is a natural unrefined sweetener that has been used by indigenous people in Mexico for thousands of years. While it is true that they used to let the sweet sap one species of agave to ferment naturally, creating a mildly alcoholic beverage called pulque, the agave nectar in stores today is a newly created sweetener invented in chemistry labs during the 1990s.
The "Blue Agave" that you find popularized in stores isnt even made from the sap or nectar of the yucca or agave plant as the original white agave traditionally was. Agave Tequilana, or Blue Agave, is processed by removing the pina, which is the root or bulb of the plant, which is then chemically treated, cooked and processed beyond all recognition!
The traditional Agave Salmiana (White Agave) associated with health benefits is made much more naturally. Agave Salmiana grows a flower from the center of the plant called the Quiote. The Quiote is cut off when the plants is 7-8 years old, creating a hole or pool of liquid in the center of the plant, called Aguamiel. The plant is then milked twice daily as the Aguamiel collects. Aguamiel is not the sap of the leaves as is often mistakenly thought. In fact, the sap from the leaves contains saponins, raphides and calcium oxalate making it inedible. Aguamiel is the juice that the plant makes to feed the Quiote. It is full of nutrients like carbohydrates, fructans, vitamins and aminoacids. The removal of the water in the juice by evaporation leaves us the White Agave nectar. This healthy, tradtional and natural white agave does exist, it is hard to find and expensive. Even if you do find some, it is still loaded with fructose too much fructose for anything but limited use and is acid-forming for your body.
Diabetes Disaster
Because high fructose agave syrup wont spike blood glucose levels, some ruthless companies promote agave syrup as good for diabetics! For this they should probably be criminally prosecuted! Of course fructose doesnt trigger a test for glucose but that doesnt make it good for anyone, including diabetics! Yucca plants also can contain saponins. - highly toxic steroid derivatives. This unscrupulous industry actually tries to claim sapoinins have some rediculous health benefits, but you should avoid them at all costs, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding!
Fructose is broken down in your liver just like alcohol and produces many of the side effects of chronic alcoholism! Excessive fructose can cause mineral depletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, stroke, cancer, arthritis and premature aging.
If you have any insulin-related issues - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, overweight my suggestions is that you avoid all sweeteners. I even avoid stevia. As a raw foodist you body can rehabilitate you innate ability to enjoy the natural goodness in unadulterated foods. That empowers your innate ability to eat intuitively.
If you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit, not a candy bar labeled as a health food. Even raw organic snack bars are loaded with processed sugar! How can I say that? Because drying fruit, even in the sun, is a form of processing! Dried fruits are sources of highly concentrated sugars and can be almost as bad if abused as any other kind of sugar.
Now, of course that is an ideal. You might have to work up to it, since most people are addicted to things tasting sweeter than they really do. Your body may actually have adapted to an emergency form of cellular metabolism that needs more glucose since that is all you have been eating for decades. If that is the case, then you can wean yourself from sugar substitutes by using sweeteners known to be safer. For uncooked dishes try using raw honey or dates. For cooked dishes try a good organic maple syrup. For the occasional desert, use dehydrated cane sugar juice or maple sugar in moderation. Freshly made apple juice or orange juice can also provide plenty of sweetness but remember, juicing sweet fruits is also a form of processing that concentrates sugars so should be used in moderation. If you must use agave, look for raw, organic white agave.
Ultimately all sweeteners are bad, forming acidic toxins just like cooking does. Healthy food is supposed to taste good naturally. When you alter the way foods taste, you confuse your ability to intuitively know whats good and whats not. With a raw, live food diet, after a period of cleansing and healing right down to the cellular level, your natural ability to truly taste real food begins to return and live, fresh foods begin to taste wonderful without any enhancement and then when you have a craving its not just your addictions calling, it really means your body needs something nutritionally.
The Raw Food Answer No Processing, No Labels, No Lies
When you eat fresh, organic raw food it doesnt come with fine print on the label that can be distorted and twisted by greed. Every single new sweetener like agave syrup introduced into the market was invented to do one thing - make a profit. Since the FDA doesn't enforce food-labeling laws, you cant be sure what youre eating is what is on the label of any processed food. So dont eat that junk!
Reduce Your Consumption of Fructose and ALL artificial sweeteners!
Selected References:
- Morell SF and Nagel R. "Agave nectar: Worse than we thought," April 30, 2009.
Weston A. Price Foundation- "US Patent 5846333Method of producing fructose syrup from agave plants,"
- Carr C. "Agaves sweet spot," January 31, 2009. Time Magazine
- "Heat forms potentially harmful substance in high-fructose corn syrup,
bee study finds" ScienceDaily August 27, 2009- LeBlanc BW, Eggleston G, Sammatarot D, , et al,. "Formation of hydroxymethylfurfural
in domestic high-fructose corn syrup and its toxicity to the honey bee" J. Agric. Food
Chem., 2009, 57(16), pp 7369-7376
Raw Fasting
How to enjoy a safe 3-day fast!
By Robert Ross
The Health Institute that I used to teach at recommends fasting 3 days a month. It's also a good idea to do a 10 day fast once or twice a year. There are 3 major types of fasts:
- 3 days helps you get rid of toxins and cleanses the blood.
- 5 days starts healing and rebuilding the immune system.
- 10 days helps prevent disease by reversing damage from acidic toxins in cooked & processed foods, pesticide residues, prescription drug residues in the water, volatile organic chemicals & other acidic toxins.
Nestle applies quantum mechanics to optimize food taste, texture, nutrition
Researchers from Nestle and the University of California have investigated the physics of food structure, and their results may help scientists create foods with optimal stability, nutrient delivery, flavors and aromas.
I've been researching the science of Quantum Biology, which applies the theories of quantum physicist and quantum mechanics to biological systems. This has been very exciting for me and seems to be opening up a new understanding of how and why raw, live organic foods are not just powerful nutritionally but may actually contribute to the transformation of consciousness itself! Imagine how disappointing it is to discover the Nestle is having similar thoughts about cookies!
In this study, which is published in Physical Review Letters, the scientists studied how water molecules interact with lipids, which are fat-soluble molecules such as fats and oils. These interactions could serve as a physical basis for understanding and defining the structure of different foods, enabling scientists to assemble the various components in an optimal organized structure.
Personally, I suspect, and deeply hope that they will fail at using this information to promote their corporate agenda, mainly greed, since I think it will expose the truth - that processed, cooked foods destroy the very life essence of foods, right on down to the quantum level.
Can you be so full of life, powerful and strong that you are virtually immune to all diseases and live as long as a Hunza?
As we learned last month, live water is like live food and is healthier, better tasting and more alive than processed and fast foods or bottled water. Another good word for live water is "Organic Water" because it is just like organic food. Water is a food or a nutrient that can be either organic and alive -- or processed and dead. Like live, fresh organic food, Organic Water is alkaline. That is, it has a high pH that helps your body maintain a healthier acid/alkaline balance. Sometimes Organic Water is called Ionized Water, which refers to water made in a water ionizer, like the Life 7700.
There are five locations in the world where scientists have found a drinking water with some of the same extraordinary physical characteristics of live alkaline mineral water - and where the inhabitants reportedly live to be over 100 years of age. The people are in excellent health, have no cancer, no dental caries, are robust and have children in their old age. They are Hunzaland in the Karkorum Mountains, Vilcambamba in Ecuador, a high mountain valley in Georgia, Russia, another in Mongolia and the final one in Peru. Though all these areas have different cultures and diets, they all have one thing in common their water has similar properties to Live Organic Oxygen Water - especially microclusters!
Click here to read my full article ....
why we don't need gMO Foods
What the mainstream media aren't telling you!
Though the popular list of 10 reasons why we don't need GMO foods (click below) is making its way around the web, it really is just a summary of a much larger problem of particular importance to raw foodists!
GMO's are probably the biggest threat to your health (and the planet) in modern history. Personally, I think it is a bigger, more immediate threat than even Global Warming. To be successful, as well as healthy, as a raw foodist we MUST have access to a healthy, natural supply organic food. Organic foods' #1 enemy are GMO foods. They don't just threaten to put organic farmers out of business, they already do it every day - contaminating organic crops with out-of-control modified genes that drift through the air. Then GMO Frankensteins like Monsanto actually have the temerity to sue the poor farmers they just ruined for growing their patented crops! Since they control the courts with a combination of deep pockets, armies of lawyers and who know what else, they win these ludicrous cases!
I assert that without healthy, delicious and nutritionally dense ORGANIC FOOD, you cannot be successful as a raw foodist. Period. So study the facts for yourself, learn the truth and be empowered in your own healthy choices.
In his new book, Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey M. Smith, provides a more detailed analysis of the documented health risks of GMOs. If you like his book Seeds of Deception, you'll be blown away by this one. Smith gives you the ammunition you need to shatter the biotech industrys claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe. NOTHING could be further from the truth!
- GM foods wont solve the food crisis
- GM crops do not increase yield potential
- GM crops increase pesticide use
- There are better ways to feed the world
- Other farm technologies are more successful
- GM foods have not been shown to be safe to eat
- Stealth GMOs in animal feed without consumers consent
- No one is monitoring the impact of GM foods on health
- GM and non-GM cannot co-exist
- We cant trust GM companies
Click here to read my full article including footnotes ....
In todays fast-food society, its not uncommon for many people to have an aversion to vegetables, making becoming a vegetarian, vegan, or even worse, a raw foodist a little daunting. When I became a vegetarian over 40 years ago, people thought I was very strange. Now, after 40 years, a vegetarian diet is at least considered healthy, though still a little unusual. It took most of my 4 decades of gastronomic experience just to get to this point, where people at least accept vegetarianism as an reasonable idea. Now we are asking people to accept not just eating mostly vegetables as a way of life, but actually eating them raw! For some people thats much more than just hard to accept - some people actually hate vegetables!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 75% of Americans don't eat the recommended five to nine servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. That's alarming, considering how important vegetables are to maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle--but not surprising, given that some people think that ketchup counts as one serving of vegetables!
So when you get to a buffet do you choose the chocolate cake over the carrot sticks even though you know carrot sticks are healthier? Do you skip the salad at the restaurant? Does the idea of eating something green make you gag?
Click here to read more..
NEW MUST-READ BOOK Jane Goodall said it is one of the most important books of the last 50 years." See how GM0's got to market ONLY because the FDA covered up the truth, lied about key facts and violated food safety laws. If the FDA listened to their own scientists, GMO foods would have never gotten "off the ground." Save $399.00 More powerful LIFE M9 water ionizer. New larger Titanium & Platinum Plates, MAX Yield SMPS Power System (up to 500 watts), more! Converts easily from counter top to under counter! Reg $3,097 NOW $2,597 ALSO: Save $500! LIFE M7 Convertible Water ionizer. The 7-plate LIFE M7 is the best bang for the buck Can be converted to upder-couonter with optional kit. FREE GIFTS & FREE US SHIPPING. Reg $2,497 NOW $1,997 ASK IF YOU QUALIFY FOR $0 DOWN NO INTEREST LIFE FINANCING NOW SAVE OVER $100.00
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Blendtec vs. Vitamix: Who's Champ?
Vitamix & Blendtec Mix It Up!
Two Different Designs Serve
Two Different Needs!
Everyone tries to compare these two champions head-to-head, as if one is better than the other. But this is like comparing two great fighters to decide which one is better - the one with more power or the one with faster hands. In some matches, the fighter with more power will win. In others, speed is the deciding factor. For other people, either champ can deliver a knockout punch! Choosing between Blendtec and Vitamix is sort of like that.
Blendtec is a power hitter.
Vitamix has faster blades.
In some situations, power is what you need. In others, blade speed works best. So it all depends on who you are and how you work rather than any particulars like blade speed or horsepower. These two championship blenders work on entirely different principles so you may want to match how you work with how the blender is designed to work in order to make an intelligent choice. For that you have to understand the overall design concept for each blender.
Both Vitamix and Blendtec are fine-tuned to match the horsepower of the motor to the blade speed (RPMs), carafe design, blade design and intended user experience! Each is a champ in it's own right. My First Blender Many years ago I had what I thought was a good quality low-cost blender. But I constantly struggled with it for making raw smoothies. I probably spent twice as long on every smoothie, from having to chop ingredients before adding them to the blender to having to stand there and shake the blender to get things to mix. I could spend 20 minutes to make a smoothie that now takes less than half the time with a high-end blender. Much worse, I also used to throw out a lot of nutrition! I did terribly wasteful things thinking they were just part of what it takes to make a smoothie, from cutting the tops off strawberries or tossing pineapples cores in the trash to carefully removing many of the edible seeds.
Now I just toss everything in my high-power blender and it all gets blended up into the smoothest most delicious smoothies youve ever tasted! With my old blender I just put up with lumps in my smoothies. I thought it was normal! But those lumps the unblended ingredients in my smoothie were globs of valuable, expensive organic veggies or fruits that never going to get completely broken down and digested. You see, an inefficient blender WASTES NUTRITION, WASTES TIME and WASTES MONEY!
If you are interested in a healthy diet, especially raw food, and are still struggling with a typical consumer blender, you are probably frustrated like I was. Ordinary consumer models just dont cut it for raw pates or thick green smoothies! And the idea of spending $4-500 or more for a blender isnt palatable at alluntil you realize that a high-end, high-power blender quickly pays for itself when you stop wasting money and nutrition!
Healthy Competition: High-End Blenders
After reading all the articles about these blenders that I could find, I learned that nobody is actually giving you the real scoop! That's what happens when articles and web sites are written to sell you something rather than provide useful, factual and relevant content that educates you to make your own informed choice! Instead you get a bunch of personal opinions and product specs that just ends up making you more confused than ever!
Of all the blenders on the market, there are only two brands that stand out as the best by professionals, from raw food authors and teachers to professional chefs.
First, there are the popular Vitamix blenders. A venerable stainless steel Vitamix 3600 was my first high-power blender, purchased over 20 years ago. For decades Vitamix was the only choice. Today it is still preferred by people who insist on total manual control.
Then Blendtec came on the scene with the Total blender (now called the Designer series), featuring more horsepower and a reputation for being able to blend anything from golf balls to iPods. This upstart is now the blender of choice for people who prefer automatic preprogrammed functionality without the need for a tamper.
Click to read full story...
Pictures not to scale.
The Green Star Elite and the Super Angel are the best twin-gear juicers in the world! You would be in juicing heaven with either!
However, one is twice as expensive as the other - so what is the difference and how do you choose? The answer depends on your needs, your motivation and your budget.
The first thing to remember is that if juicing is a hassle you probably won't do it - at least not as often as you would like. So the easier a juicer is to use and clean the more often you will want to use it.
Click to read full story...
My definition of a raw foodist is someone who eats at least 75% raw, live food. At this level, your body can eliminate the toxins in cooked food as fast as you eat them. Eating more cooked food can result in the toxins backing up in your system, creating dis-ease. Remember, you are not a label! Honor who you are now, then get as much information as you can from all over the web on raw food is all about so you can make informed choices for your needs.
A Side Effect of Raw Food?
You see, weight is really just a symptom of what is going on with your whole body - digestive system, elimination system, immune system, glandular system, emotions, sleep patterns, stress levels, liver, colon, skin, lungs, blood, spirit and chi or energy levels and more. When all that is in balance and harmony, so its your weight - naturally! Read more...
Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde
Everyone knows that when you cook food you lose a lot of nutrition. But did you ever wonder where it goes? What happens to those beautiful vitamins, minerals, fats, carbs and proteins? Do they just disappear?
Unfortunately, they do not. Like Dr. Jekyl, they are horribly transformed by chemical reactions created by heat into monsters like Mr. Hyde -- only we call them Carcinogens, Mutagens, and Free Radicals!
Learn scientifically how heat actually causes molecules to break down and recombine, turning nutrients that were once life-givers into killers:
How Cooking Chemically Creates Toxins in Food
The Sciece of Raw vs. Cooked Food
More Articles & Research...
Robert Ross?
Robert (right) with David Wolfe
I've been a vegetarian for almost 50 years. I studied nutrition in the 1980s at UC Berkeley and was a senior nutritional writer for the Shaklee Corporation. I discovered raw food in 1995 at the Optimum Health Institute of San Diego, co-founded by Anne Wigmore and Rachel Solomon more than 30 years ago. After feeling better than I had for years I decided to stay as a volunteer. I ended working there for several years, teaching many raw food classes.
In 2001 I moved to Florida where I taught raw food classes at the New Life Expo and Wild Oats stores (now Whole Foods). I created the first version of this web site in 1996. One of my greatest joys is continuing to learning about raw food, nuitrition, health, quantum biology and more -- and to share it with you! Thanks for making RawFoodLife.com the #1 site on Google for Raw Food searches.
Interview with Robert Ross
at Raw Spirit Festival, Santa Barbara, 2009
Robert talks about his raw food philosophy, the science behind raw food, the physiology of consciousness, raw food & compassion plus much more.
Click Here for More of Robert's Videos...
ALSO: Click this link to my 2009 audio interview with Chad Nellis for the Raw Food Master Summit.
CLICK TO Play in New Window or Download01:25:47
Raw Food & Liberty
Opinion by Robert Ross, July 4th, 2010
If you are into health and nutrition or, like me, raw food, this is very, very important. Under "color of law," which means it looks like law but really isn't, we seem to be losing our access to healthy food. The FDA will be regulating natural remedies like herbs and vitamins. Organic food may be gone forever. Without clean, non-GMO organic food you can not be healthy, especial as a raw foodist! And that is their goal, since you cannot control a healthy, awake and aware population that takes responsibility for itself!
Click here for full article...
Would you like to live in a world without war or poverty ... where everyone respects the lives, liberty and property of everyone else? Would you like to see justice, equality and freedom for all become a reality? Learn about how to form "Octologues" -- groups that use consensus (vs. majority rule) and an ethical code of behavior to increase our power and ability to get things done. Together we can restore our freedoms locally and create a non-coercive model to replace our corrupt political institutions. Click this button to learn about the recipe for peace, prosperity and freedom.
32-YEAR Field Experiment ON Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers HAS SOME SURPRISING RESULTS
From INT'L Conference ON, Agricultural Production and Nutrition, Tufts University, BOSTON, MA, March 1997.
In 1958, Bo Pettersson began an agricultural experiment that lasted for a full 32 years. The focus was primarily on aspects of crop quality, and the fertilizer application rates for the various treatments were adjusted to bring about comparable yields. Though one of the goals was to get similar yields from both organic and conventional farming, there were some surprising results:
- Crop yield increasees were signficantly higher from the organic treatments.
- Though the crude protein content of potatoes and wheat was lower in the organic treatments, protein quality was higher.
- Resistance to decomposition and store quality for potatoes were higher in the organic treatments.
- Wheat starch quality seemed to be higher.
- The organic treatments resulted in a higher soil fertility capacity and in crops with higher quality protein, a higher starch content, and a greater ability to tolerate stressful conditions and longterm storage in comparison with the inorganic treatments.
- Crops produced in the organic treatments developed a structure that has a higher "organizational level."
Click Here to read the Original Paper...
21 Year German Study Shows Vegans/Vegetarians Live Longer
Vegetarian men reduced risk of early death by 50%, women 30%.
Though not strictly a raw food study, research like this helps confirm the benefits of a mostly raw, vegan lifestyle. Once you know that vegan diets are healthier, then you consider the importance of acid/alkaline balance, knowing that acid-forming foods are definately associated with diseases. We know that processed or cooked foods are the main source of acidic toxins, so you can conclude that a vegetarian or vega diet based mostly on raw, unprocessed food is likely to be the healthiest diet.
Abstract: The long-term observation of vegetarians in affluent countries can provide insight into the relative effects of a vegetarian diet and lifestyle factors on mortality. A cohort study of vegetarians and health-conscious persons in Germany was followed-up prospectively for 21 years, including 1,225 vegetarians and 679 health-conscious nonvegetarians. Standardized mortality ratios compared with the German general population were calculated for all causes and specific causes.
Conclusions: Both vegetarians and nonvegetarian health-conscious persons in this study have reduced mortality compared with the general population. Within the study, low prevalence of smoking and moderate or high level of physical activity but not strictly vegetarian diet was associated with reduced overall mortality.
Jenny Chang-Claude, Silke Hermann, Ursula Eilber, and Karen Steindorf: Lifestyle Determinants and Mortality in German Vegetarians and Health-Conscious Persons: Results of a 21-Year Follow-up. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, April 2005; 14(4), 963-968.
An Oxford Study was even more impressive. This study observed 6,000 vegetarian and 5,000 non-vegetarians, and covering a longer span of time in a formal study, namely 12 years. This confirmed lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other degenerative disease.The mortality figures were even more dramatic than the Seventh-Day Adventist study. The Pub-Med abstract reports"all-cause mortality in the whole cohort was roughly half that in the population of England and Wales." Vegans had still lower LDL levels than fish-eating vegetarians. A followup Oxford studyshowed a lower rate of emergency appendectomies, indicative of acute apendicitis) among the vegetarian subjects.
What the Food Industry Doesnt Want You to Know
Twenty years ago I read a study about the analysis of cholesterol in the arteries of people who died of coronary artery disease. It turned out that much of the gunk lining these arteries wasnt cholesterol at all - it was Crisco - hydrogenated vegetable oil. Since then I have been warning people not to eat anything with vegetable shortening that is chemically more like plastics than food. Today we call these substances trans fats. The industry has known about this for at least that long! Only now, after even more publicity than they could squelch, theyve started to do something about it.
Trans fats are used mostly for commercial cooking and food preparation, and is one of the main sources of dis-ease in the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). Hydrogenation adds hydrogen gas to vegetable oil, helping to solidify it into a molecule that more closely resembles plastic than food. The process, used for margarine or shortening, makes them more unhealthy than real butter, since hydrogenated fats act like cholesterol in your body.
Now a law in California holds manufacturers liable for their products if they are known by manufacturers to be unsafe, though not by consumers. In other words, they may be liable for hiding the truth! So finally, after years of knowingly making product bad for your heart, someone is doing something about!
Lets hold all food manufacturers responsible for their products! By the way - the company which owns Oreos also owns major cigarette brands. Think about it!
Spinach Scare
or Scam?
by Robert Ross
You are far less likely to get sick from e coli than getting hit by lightning (Dept. of Justice). Anyone getting sick is a tragedy of course. But the Standard American Diet (SAD) makes people sick every day! Periodic e coli scares come from poor agribusiness practices. e coli is a natural bacteria in all mammals. The one dangerous form usually only comes from cows kept in large feed lots which do NOT control waste properly - and usually only results from corporate factory farming practices.
Organic farms do not use manure from non-organic sources, especially feed lots, and are prohibited from applying manure directly. When manure is used, it must be composted first, which kills any bad bacteria and turns the waste into topsoil. So if you are eating raw, organic spinach, or anything else, you have nothing to worry about. More people are harmed by cigarettes and falling down than e coli. Don't let agribusiness scare you away from enjoying healthy, organic raw foods. Remember, you are a direct threat to the profits of corporations that make the processed and genetically engineered foods they are trying to stuff down the throats of America -- as well as the drugs they make for the diseases you get by eating that stuff.
ALSO: Remember that these stories are often spun by the corporate-owned media to scare you into blindly accepting so-called "Food-Safety" bills designed to take away your liberties more than to protect you. (See my new article on the Food Police.)
Don't buy their propoganda, or their products!
can nanotechnology turn donuts into health food?
Last year Dutch food scientist Frans Kampers presented a talk to the Association for the Advancement of Science called "What Nano-technology Can Do for Your Average Donut." He was not kidding. According to Kampers, food scientists are using nanotechnology to create structures in foods that can deliver nutrients to specific locations in the body for the most beneficial effects. Is that what you want - tiny microscopic man-made robots travelling throughout your body to deliver nutrients to your cells where some scientist thinks they should go? Or would you prefer to eat a delicious, all natural, organic raw meal that naturally delivers nutrients to every cell in your body.
Even Kampers says there are dangers. He said research on persistent nanoparticles in food and packaging could present risks. Use of metal, nanoparticles in packaging to slow spoilage could move from the packaging material into the food itself. "The persistent metal or metal oxide nanoparticles could move into the bloodstream, and research has shown they can migrate into cells or in some cases even into the nucleus of cells," Kampers said. Sounds yummy!
With the potential to redefine life itself, nanotechnology carries a host of ethical concerns and dangers to life as we know it. Nanotechnology may become an even bigger threat to life than global warming or genetically modified foods. How many "hits" can the Earth sustain before life as we know it is no longer sustainable. For decades we were all working hard to overcome dozens of environmental issues that cumulatively could mean serious problems for us, from recycling our waste to using less water and gasoline, but no single one could end life as we know it by itself. In the last decade alone we've had to face new man-made attacks on life any one of which could be catastrophic, including genetically modified foods and the latest, nanotechnology. What is particularly unique to these two is the corruption, lying, hidden agendas and criminal activities involved in getting just them into your supermarket and kitchen behind your back - virtually without oversight, without adequate testing and even in many cases supressed studies that prove them harmful and dangerous.
Here is the problem with the kind of thinking behind things like GMO's and nanotechnology - they are always addressing the symptoms of an imbalanced lifestyle and diet rather than dealing with the problem itself: fast foods, processed foods, empty calories and greedy corporations that put their quarterly statement above the health of you and your family! The real solution, of course, is to encourage more organic farming, which has been proven to be more productive than any chemical agriculture or GMO's in terms of yields per acre, and teach people to eat more nutrient-dense, pure organic raw foods. It's not just good science - it's common sense!
What is Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the science of engineering on a molecular scale, building matter from the bottom up, virtually atom-by-atom. "Nano" refers to matter a billionth of a meter in size: roughly the size of several atoms. This process uses microscopic machines to assemble atoms into engineered, man-made molecules. The nanotech machines themselves would be capable of repairing and replicating themselves, like say The Terminator! In essence, they would become brand new, man-made life forms. Leading researchers predict that they will be able to synthesize artificial bacteria in the near future. Imagine what could happen in a world where greedy, corrupt lying corporations that already repress the truth about things they make that could kill you if microscopic robots are mass produced and released into the environment.
Unfortunately, backed by these unethical, greedy corporations, the science is likely to advance much faster than the ethical debate. Of course, once we release these microscopic technologies into our environment we are probably not going to be able to control them - think Pandora's Box or Battlestar Galactica on a microscopic scale. We can't even contain a single oil spill or control our own garbage in the macro world! When genetically modified foods first came on the scene the scientists promised they would never get into the "wild," yet today GMO's have cross-pollinated with and contaminated many other crops - think Jurassic Park! Imagine what the world would become with a microscopic army of self-replicating nanotech Terminators actually designed to invade and alter the human body!
Join up with organization like the Center for Food Safety's True Food Network or the International Center For Technology Assessment's NanoAction Project to help stop things like GMO's and nanotechnology until they are proven safe. We need to ban together to force federal regulatory agencies to do their jobs because when we don't the corporation have all the say. And you can also vote with your fork by purchasing more healthy, pure organic foods and eating lots of delicious, nutrient-dense raw food!
Open Letter to DR. T.
Recently I received some emails from a medical doctor complaining about some of the educational materials on this website. Here is my reply:
You are right, Doctor. I am not a scientist, though I did study nutrition at U.C. Berkeley. But even a layman with some degree of intelligence can read between the lines of scientific studies. You don't have to dissect each study to see who is right because there is always plain old common sense and experience. Studies either support that or not. You see, it is common sense that heat destroys nutrients, leaving one to wonder where the nutrients go. Do they just evaporate or dissolve or are they possibly, even in the remost chance, chemically breaking down under heat and recombining as new non-food chemicals that may well be the source of many mutagens, carcinogens and free radicalls commonly assocated with the modern diet even in the medical community.
Regardless of that, there is also the fact that your concerns are a case of the pot calling the kettle black. As an MD you must be acutely aware that the vast majority of approved medical procedures are not backed by any independent peer-reviewed scientific studies whatsoever! The actual percentage of treatments classified as proven beneficial, according to the British Medical Journals Clinical Evidence website is actually 15%. That's not a typo - I said fifteen percent! So does that make 85% of what you do a waste of time? Are you lying or misrepresenting medicine to your patients? We hope not.
The point is that a lack of expensive scientific studies that can take decades doesn't prove anything. However, my people won't break into your office in helmets and flack jackets like the FDA does even to medical doctors that try to practice anything outside the scope of their approved areas of practice, such as prescribing vitamins (this has actually happened).
As you probably know, eating raw food won't kill anyone. As a teacher at a major raw health resort for several years, I saw many spontaneous remissions of cancer and other conditions. Anecdotal of course, like most medical procedure are, too. I cannot prove it is related, but the record of medicine is much worse. As you may know, correctly prescribed medications and medical procedures cause hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. every year. You could say that doctors kill more people than guns...or brocolli!
In-hospital deaths in the US from medical errors alone are around 200,000 (www.medicalnewstoday.com). Depending on where you look, the numbers are up to 300,000 deaths from properly prescribed medication and procedures plus medical "misadventures", i.e., mistakes. So I suggest you focus on cleaning your own house before you worry about whether or not I am misinformed about the benefits of eating my broccoli raw. Your entire industry is misinformed if these stats are any measure - and the results are the best way to measure, not the rhetoric.
Some of my best friends are doctors! But doctor's are in my opinion poorly equipped due to the paucity of nutritional training in medical schools to offer informed advice on what to eat. Generally, it is my experience that doctors are too accepting of the "system," driven by what areas of practice are approved by insurance companies vs. what things can get them sued or cause them to lose their license. Doctors that bother to do their own research and learn more about nutrition often become vegans, vegetarians or even raw foodists. I've met some!
In my experience, however anecdotal, becoming a raw foodist saved my life, saved many other lives and never actually hurt anyone. I am 63 and haven't been to a doctor in 30 years - I'd actually rather be sick. So I walk my talk.
All the information on my website is clearly disclosed as an expression of my personal opinion and strictly for educational purposes - and I admonish always, in the very first paragraph on the homepage and elsewhere, for my readers to not take anyone's word for anything - including mine - but to do their own research and nutritional education than make up their own minds.
When you can do that Doctor, and not make absolute claims that this is right and that is wrong and we should trust you to know the difference, you concerns might receive more attention from people like me. Until you can speak to us in something other than absolute voice-of-God terms you are preaching to your own choir.
Unless you think you can say something I haven't heard that is a new argument against eating my broccoli raw, we are probably at an impasse. Bottom line is that if I am wrong there is no harm. If you are wrong you could be killing people, or at least keeping them sick. I'll take my chances with raw food--the odds are statistically in my favor. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my point of view. -- Robert Ross, 06/15/2010
The Science of Broccoli, Part 1
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain compounds called glucosinolates, the compounds found in cruciferous vegetables that give them their unique taste. Isothiocyanates are some of the biologically active hydrolysis (breakdown) products of glucosinolates, which according to many studies have cancer-preventive and anti-carcinogenic activities. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts have the highest amount of the isothiocyanates. One of these compounds, called sulforaphane (SFN), inhibits the proliferation of human tumor cells by a mechanism similar to the way that some anticancer drugs work - by inhibiting cell division during mitosis (cell division) and is much less toxic than drugs.
3-day old broccoli sprouts are concentrated sources of glucoraphanin, which contain 10-100 times more glucoraphanin by weight than mature broccoli plants. Broccoli sprouts that contain 73 mg of glucoraphanin (also called sulforaphane glucosinolate) per 1-oz serving are available in some health food and grocery stores. Remember, glucosinolates are water-soluble so cooking just a few minutes can decrease the glucosinolate content of cruciferous vegetables as much as a 90%. Cooking can also inactivate myrosinase, the enzyme that catalyzes glucosinolate hydrolosis into isothiocyanates, which has been shown to substantially decrease the bioavailability of isothiocyanates.
Click to
Tootsie-Rawls Recipe
1 cup raw cacao powder
1/2 cup mesquite powder
1/2 cup almond butter
3/4 cup honey or agave (or a little of both)
2 T. fo-ti
2 lg. T. lucuma powder
1 T. Vanilla
1 pinch sea salt
Mix in food processor till well blended (very stiff). Stir down as needed. Put in bowl & knead in more lucuma (several T.) till no longer sticky. Roll in logs, wrap in paper, store in freezer. Special thanks to GlimR at Raw Food Talk. More Recipes..
Raw recipes
Cabbage Roll-Ups
1 large cabbage leaf, 1/2 avocado, cut in chunks, 2 olives, chopped Lentil, pea and/or fenugreek sprouts, Lemon juice, Liquid Aminos, Dulse flakes, Slivered red pepper, Sprouts
A cabbage leaf makes a great sandwich for any filling. Softening the cabbage makes it easier to roll the filling up in it. Any guacamole, pate or salad recipe would be delicious stuffed in a cabbage or lettuce roll.
Soften the cabbage leaf by putting it in a dehydrator for 10 minutes or dipping the whole leaf in hot water until soft; set aside. In a small bowl, mash the avocado with a fork and add the olives, sprouts, lemon juice, Liquid Aminos and dulse to taste.
Place the mixture on the cabbage leaf. Top with red peppers, sprouts and any other vegetables you have on hand; roll up and enjoy.
Click here for more great recipes
Good Health in a Bad Economy
Opinion by Robert Ross
In economics, a bailout is supposed to be when a bankrupt or nearly bankrupt company is helped by another party (like the U.S. government) giving them assets that can be converted to cash so that the troubled party can meet it's financial obligations.
What our country really needs during the current crisis is a raw food bailout -- when a sick body is helped by a healthy diet giving it assets ((live food) that can easily assimilated so that the body can meet all its nutritional requirements.
Of course, a bad economy is more difficult to deal with when you are also struggling with bad health! Poor nutrition can exacerbate negative emotions and make it more difficult to think clearly. Many diseases start with a cocktail of toxins created by cooking combined with the immune-suppressing effects of anger, stress, fear and hopelessness. Eating raw food is a great way to face a crisis. It will help you be healthier - saving on medical bills and insurance. It will help you act more responsibly and proactively to find solutions. And it will even help you save on your grocery bills. You see, organic, raw food is as much as 200-300% more nutritionally dense, making it more economical in the long run than less expensive and less nutritious conventional produce that may also be laced with pesticides or genetically modified organisms with unknown health hazards!
Life depends on a precise balance between acid and alkaline. This is the essence of a raw food lifestyle! So the body makes bircarbonates to neutralize acid toxins created in a cooked food lifestyle, which have been shown to cause diseases like cancer. This study helps support that.
The external pH of solid tumors is acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor perfusion. Acid pH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis in vitro and in cells before tail vein injection in vivo. The present study investigates whether inhibition of this tumor acidity will reduce the incidence of in vivo metastases. Here, we show that oral NaHCO3 selectively increased the pH of tumors and reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer.... NaHCO3 therapy significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases following intrasplenic injection, suggesting that it did inhibit extravasation and colonization. In tail vein injections of alternative cancer models, bicarbonate had mixed results, inhibiting the formation of metastases from PC3M prostate cancer cells, but not those of B16 melanoma. Although the mechanism of this therapy is not known with certainty, low pH was shown to increase the release of active cathepsin B, an important matrix remodeling protease. [Cancer Res 2009;69(6):22608]
The extracellular pH (pHe) of malignant solid tumors is acidic, in the range of 6.5 to 6.9, whereas the pHe of normal tissues is significantly more alkaline, 7.2 to 7.5 .... in vitro studies have shown that tumor cell invasion can be stimulated by acidic conditions.... These observations have led to the acid-mediated invasion hypothesis.... ... It has been argued that metastatic cancers are selected for their ability to export acid. Acid is a by-product of glucose metabolism, and notably, elevated consumption of fluorodeoxyglucose by more aggressive cancers has been observed .... The current work tests the hypothesis that neutralizing the acid pH of tumors will inhibit invasion and, hence, reduce the incidence of spontaneous metastases.
Click here for full study ....
About health advantages of eating raw food. Includes articles, recipes, live raw food chat, and links to related sites.
Science - Raw Food Explained
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science_of_raw_v__cooked - Raw Food Life - the Science of ...
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Living Light Nutrition Curriculum | Raw Food Chef
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Raw Foods vs. Cooked Foods--Looking at the Science
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